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Think Big Act Small

Sep 18, 2019

Ross is owner and CEO of Therapy Direct Health Care in the UK. His book 'The Business Of Health' shares his experience of becoming a strong leader inside a health business.

In this interview, Ross shares the learnings and rituals that help him be at his best. We specifically focus on his leadership learnings, which...

Sep 12, 2019

This short solo episode explores item 7 on the 'Culture Is Everything' checklist: Does your team receive regular updates on progress towards your ten-year obsession.

We delve into some examples - including my own experience with The Physio Co - to help you bring your team along on the journey to achieving your Big Hairy...

Sep 4, 2019

Lisa Messenger is the founder and CEO of Collective Hub, an inspiring multimedia platform that exists to help people unleash their full potential.

Between 2013 and 2017 Collective Hub grew it's print magazine from scratch to 50+ issues that were distributed in 37 countries.

But, as a creative entrepreneur, Lisa had to...